Moving Forward with The ICCI

Welcome to the place where coaching meets real life. This podcast is for people who want to enrich their lives, through the tools and skills of coaching. It’s for anyone who enjoys both their own self-development as well as empowering others to flourish and grow. And it’s also for people who are thinking of training as coaches.

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3 days ago

In this episode, I expanded and gave an example of how serendipity happened to me.
I hope it will inspire you to find yours.

Sunday Jun 16, 2024

Dr. Tamara Tilleman is a multidisciplinary scientist, who is researching serendipity.She is trained as a surgeon (BTW, here in the Netherlands in Maastricht), a former dean at universities in the USA and China, and a professor of innovation.She is the founder of the Multiverseism philosophy.She lives in Seattle, USA, but travels and teaches people worldwide.In one word: a curious woman. We met for a fascinating conversation that I didn't want to end, and discovered what serendipity is, and does it indeed has a recipe?If Dr. Tilleman fascinated you too, here's how you can keep in touch with her:

Friday Apr 05, 2024

In this fascinating episode, I learned from Paulina two main things:1. The sheer scale of emotional abuse2. There's such a lot one can do with it, to the point of overcoming it and moving on stronger.Our former student Paulina Wyrwas specialises in coaching people who are going through emotional abuse and helps them to deal with their abusers and overcome whatever bad situation they're finding themselves in.Listen to her and to the stories she's sharing from her clients' work (with their permission of course, and with changes of names too. It was very important for her that I mention it, so I do).
Was this episode interesting? Please share it.Would you like to work or follow Paulina?Here's how you can do it:On Instagram:
On LinkedIn:

Sunday Mar 03, 2024

Ever wondered who and where you can work as a coach?Or what you can specialise in?To celebrate episode 10 on the podcast, here are 10 (of many) examples of coaching work you can do.

Tuesday Feb 13, 2024

If, like me, the thought of goal setting makes you feel nervous, but you know it's important, then listen to this episode. In this episode, I will share my experience and provide some helpful tips on how to make goal-setting enjoyable. There are things you can do to change your approach and work towards your goals confidently.If I was able to do it despite years of resentment, then you can do it too.Noa Brume

Wednesday Oct 11, 2023

A story of a woman who had no signs that she had cancer, but she went to check anyway.When she had a clear answer for her mammography, she was not quiet, so she went to a surgeon to get it checked.The surgeon found nothing, but she insisted. And guess what? She was right. And that's her story.And I am that woman.

Sunday Jul 09, 2023

"If we don't listen to our body when it whispers, we'll have no choice but to listen to it when it shouts," says our guest Galit Hahn. As a nutritionist, Galit has a lot to say about our relationship with food and the problems with diets.
We had a fascinating hour with her in her kitchen, and by that, we mean her real kitchen in the beautiful town of Hilversum in The Netherlands, where you can meet her too for healthy food workshops, and you can always reach her kitchen from anywhere in the world via her website which bares the same name: 
Trust us: after listening to her, you'll run to connect to her on Instagram:
And on Facebook too:

Tuesday Jun 13, 2023

A man and a woman come to the race with the same level of training. The opening shot is fired. They run side by side. The man is cheered on with encouragement: “You’re strong, you’re on the right path”. The woman hears other voices, other messages: “You know, you don’t have to do this,” shouts the audience, as does her inner voice. “You’ve made a good start, but are you sure you want to continue? You have kids at home”. While the man’s road is paved and smooth, and he receives encouragement and support, the woman’s track is different. It has hurdles and obstacles. Her journey is almost always tougher and frustrating – and even if she makes it to the finish line – by then she’s crawling on all fours.  
Gali Glatt Simchi, the VP of innovation and quality NTA light rail in Tel Aviv and the author of the book ‘Running Hurdles’ from which this quote comes, is our guest on this podcast.
With a positive attitude and lively character, Gali is sharing personal stories and ideas on how to get over 10 hurdles that women have, and men have far less in the workplace.We're delighted for you to hear her on our podcast.
You can find Gali on her LinkedIn profile here:
And get her wonderful and inspiring book on Amazon here:

Monday May 01, 2023

A potential student was asking: how could she know that she'll be making a living out of coaching?Many people who are coming to our courses have that wish and this question, and we're here to give it some answers.
For more episodes of the podcast, information about our courses, blog, and other information, visit our
Have more questions?You can ask them on our Facebook group:
Enjoy the listening!

Tuesday Apr 18, 2023

Here’s an interesting fact: Most people don’t listen in order to really listen. They listen in order to react.
So what can happen when we really listen to what the other person has to say, then we stay with it for a bit, and only then say what is on our mind?
You’ll have to listen to see.And there’s another surprise that you’ll need to find out for yourself (hint: really for yourself).
Here’s our first episode where I interview an inspiring guest, and I could not choose better than Oriana van der Sande for this.
If you liked Oriana, you can find her here:
Join us on our Facebook group: Moving Forward: The ICCI's community group for Life & Coaching skills:
To read more about us, see our blog, use the Free Coaching Platform, see our courses, and join our next Open Training Days, visit us


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